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What Factors Will Affect The Production Capacity of Hydrogen Compressors?

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What Factors Will Affect The Production Capacity of Hydrogen Compressors?

What factors will affect the production capacity of hydrogen compressors?

Hydrogen compressors are widely used in chemical, pharmaceutical, electronic, metallurgical, marine and other engineering fields, but there are also some factors that can affect the production capacity of hydrogen compressors.

1. Gap volume: The larger the cylinder gap, the more the piston is compressed to the end and moves to the end. Due to the expansion of high-pressure gas in the gap, the useful volume of the cylinder increases, resulting in a decrease in fresh air volume, compressor production capacity, and volumetric power.

2. Leakage loss: The production capacity of the compressor is closely related to the airtightness of the piston rings, intake valves, exhaust valves, and cylinder packing.

The piston ring is fitted onto the piston, and its function is to seal the gap between the piston and its cylinder with lubricating oil or itself, in order to prevent gas leakage on both sides of the piston. Therefore, when installing the piston ring, it should be able to freely rise and contract to form a good seal, but should not cause excessive friction with the cylinder. If the piston ring is installed improperly and not completely sealed, high-pressure gas should be discharged during the compression process. Some of them do not enter the outlet pipeline through the outlet valve, but leak from the compactness of the piston ring to another stage of the piston. In this way, due to the small amount of gas generated by the compressor, the production capacity of the compressor will also decrease.

3.Gas temperature: When the volume of the compressor cylinder is fixed and the suction gas temperature is too high, due to the thermal expansion of the gas, the distance between gas molecules increases, resulting in a decrease in gas density in the suction cylinder and a decrease in the production capacity of the compressor. The higher the temperature of other inhaled gases, the more water and steam they contain. Reducing the effective air volume per unit volume of the compressor and controlling the inlet temperature of the compressor can improve its production capacity.

Bailian products include more than 30 types of gas chemical compressors, including oil free lubrication air compressors, oxygen compressors, nitrogen compressors, hydrogen compressors, carbon dioxide compressors, helium compressors, argon compressors, sulfur hexafluoride compressors, etc., with a maximum pressure of up to 70Mpa.

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